After completion of the inspection plan and program, they hired M&M to conduct multi-year inspections of the telescope. That the National Radio Astronomy Observatory was satisfied with the results is evident. We also created a custom record-keeping database to use as the primary administrative tool for managing the inspection process, recording the inspection findings, and programming maintenance. 43 Meter (140 Foot) Telescope 45 Foot Telescope Green Bank Interferometer 20 Meter Geodetic Telescope 40 Foot Telescope Historical Telescopes Interference Protection. It ensures that all members of the structure are inspected. We drew upon decades of steel bridge inspection experience and, with close collaboration with our client, developed an inspection plan and procedure. The Planewave CDK24 telescope, equipped with a highly sophisticated digital camera, is a key. The dome houses a 650-pound reflective telescope with a mirror that is two feet across. Modjeski and Masters (M&M) was prepared for the challenge. In Charles Town, West Virginia, a bright white dome sits gracefully atop the Information Technology building on the American Public University System (APUS) campus. This 8,500-ton piece of space technology only works without other interferences, because it perceives sound waves from the stars instead of light waves. Byrd Green Bank Telescope, the largest fully steerable radio telescope in the world, towers over the rolling hills. Developing an inspection plan and executing an inspection appeared to be a daunting task. You can easily see why: the massive Robert C. The specs of the new telescope were awe-inspiring: a surface of 100 by 110 meters a weight exceeding 16,000,000 pounds and over 13,000 structural steel members and joints. To help it avoid the same fate as its predecessor, the National Radio Astronomy Observatory sought the expertise of a structural engineering firm to develop an inspection plan and procedure for their new landmark telescope. The National Radio Quiet Zone ( NRQZ) is a large area of land in the United States designated as a radio quiet zone, in which radio transmissions are restricted by law to facilitate. It was, in fact, the world’s largest fully steerable radio telescope. The NRQZ includes portions of West Virginia, Virginia, and a small part of Maryland.

But right in the center of the woods is the Green Bank Telescope, the largest steerable radio telescope in the world. Between 19, a replacement telescope was designed and constructed. View Driving through the Monongahela National Forest, you might not expect to find a massive telescope that lets scientists listen to outer space. (Image credit: NRAO/AUI/NSF) George Seielstad knows what it's like to have. The telescope’s loss was attributed to a lack of inspection and maintenance. 15, 1988, Green Bank Observatory's 300-foot telescope unexpectedly collapsed, leaving a tangle of twisted metal. Byrd Green Bank Telescope, the world's largest fully steerable radio telescope. The cause was a sudden failure of a key structural element – a large gusset plate in the box girder assembly that formed the main support for the antenna. The Green Bank Observatory (previously National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank) is an astronomical observatory located in the National Radio Quiet Zone in Green Bank, West Virginia, U.S.

on Tuesday, November 15, 1988, the 300-ft radio telescope collapsed.